Cheat Sheet - Git
December 02, 2023
1 min
In diesem Artikel sammle ich alle möglichen hilfreichen Tipps & Snippets für das Schreiben von einem Bash Skript.
while true; do_log ""read -rp "Ready to update credential - proceed? (yes/no) " yncase $yn inyes|y) break;;no|n) _log "ERROR" "Aborted!";;* ) _log "Invalid response!";;esacdone
_log() {if [ "$TERM" == "xterm-256color" ]; thentextRed=$(tput setaf 1)textYellow=$(tput setaf 3)textBlue=$(tput setaf 4)textNormal=$(tput sgr0)fiif [ "${1}" == "WARN" ]; thenprintf '%-7s %s\n' "${textYellow}[$1]${textNormal}" "$2" >&2return 0elif [ "${1}" == "ERROR" ]; thenprintf '%-7s %s\n' "${textRed}[$1]${textNormal}" "$2" >&2exit 1elif [ "${1}" == "INFO" ]; thenprintf '%-7s %s\n' "${textBlue}[$1]${textNormal}" "$2"return 0elseecho "$1"fi}_log "INFO" "This is an info message"_log "ERROR" "This is an error message"_log "WARN" "This is a warn message"
case "$1" ininit)init_log "INFO" "PolyCV initialized!";;init-start)init_log "INFO" "PolyCV initialized!"start_log "INFO" "PolyCV started!";;start)start_log "INFO" "PolyCV started!";;stop)stop_log "INFO" "PolyCV stopped!";;purge)purge;;*)echo "Usage: $0 {init|init-start|start|stop|purge\"server command\"}"exit 1;;esac
# Check if DEBUG environment variable is setif [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then# If DEBUG is set, enable verbose output and exit on error/unset variableset -euxelse# Otherwise, just exit on errorset -efi
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